JBC Management is working with and taking guidance from the relevant authorities to ensure the implementation and compliance with all the necessary measures in order to safeguard the health of the community and mitigate the spread of COVID19:
Visitors are undergoing temperature screening at the Building entrance
All the Occupants/Visitors are mandated to wear masks at all times
Occupants need to ensure the physical distancing of 2 meters in the common area, front desk, elevator lobbies…
Limited number of people permitted in the Elevators
No gatherings in the common area is permitted
Detailed Cleaning – all surface areas are being cleaned frequently using disinfectant washes suitable for eliminating the infected areas as approved by the Dubai Municipality.
Building Ventilation – fresh air circulation within the building has been increased, and air conditioning filters are being cleaned and disinfected frequently.
Building Staff – All staff including security, cleaning, maintenance are screened for body temperature at their accommodation before leaving to work at their respective premise.
Staff Health & Safety – All staff including security, cleaning, maintenance are being provided with the necessary briefings, guidance and information on maintaining personal hygiene levels in accordance with the advice provided by the relevant UAE Government Authorities.
Information and Guidance – Educational Notices were placed in the Common area notice boards as well as circulated to all Occupants.
Hand Sanitizers – Hand Sanitizers were placed in Elevator Lobbies and on the Reception Desks
Tower is being fully sanitized once a week with Dubai Municipality approved product
Isolation room for people who develop symptoms during the working hours has been set in the G Floor
Elevators are marked with stickers (where to stand)
Notices from Dubai Police and Land Department were posted in the Building
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